"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." --1 Corinthians 13:13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Room # 4 / There's Always One More: A Poem

Room number four at the end of the hall
Three little children lie and with cancer they do brawl
While three stoic mamas sit to answer each call
Of these children whose cancers are the worst of them all

Drawn by compassion and curiosity
Into room number four enters Tia Abi
The suffering she can easily see
And she knows that this is where she is meant to be

The pain and the sorrow she cannot end
Nor the broken hearts and deformed bodies can she mend
All she can offer is to be a friend
Where there is devastation, she prays to be a Godsend
Hugs and kisses everyday she will bring
While she holds these children, sometimes you can hear her sing
Other days, she causes the moms’ laughter to ring
Her hand is offered for the moms and children to cling

Some days the agony is very bad
Blood, vomit, rotting flesh--enough to make you go mad
Tears fall because this all makes us very sad
Sometimes we wonder if there’s any hope to be had

Yes, of the misery I do tire
Yet finding and bringing hope is my heart’s sole desire
This passion burns inside me like a fire
To faith, hope, and love I will forever aspire

Now, three empty beds in room number four
Because three little children suffer no more
As wide open for them has been thrown Heaven’s door
And I can see them dancing on Jesus’s dance floor

Rosalia, Luciano, and Ana
I love you so much!
In your memory, I’ll never give up.
Again and again, I will give all my love.
I will laugh and I will cry…
And I will hold the one who suffers close until the day that I die.
Because even through tears, to love and be loved is bliss,
And there’s always one more. 

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"  --Matthew 19:14


1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful that you can see the beauty in the middle of all this awful mess - that those children are WAY better off than we are!
    What a great poem!
